Monday 27 January 2020

Unicorn Conglomerate: Our Financial Reports.

Unicorn Conglomerate: Our Financial Reports.

Welcome once again to 2020 and as we promised last year that we will upload our financial reports for 2018 and 2019 {Unicorn Conglomerate - (Pty) Limited} for the public to view as a way of transparency and accountability.

We further assure in 2020 to be better we in the five industries we are interested.

Please note that only our media subsidiary is currently functional and we hope 2020 will be bring us clients in all our subsidiaries: media, property, finance, foods and energy.

Do not hesitate to reach out and transact with us.

You can use these links to view our financial reports here:

2018: Profit & Loss

2019: Profit & Loss

Thank you.

                     Olagunju, Success Taiwo.

Founder & MD: Unicorn Conglomerate (Pty) Ltd

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